Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I'm sure most of you know by now that we are expecting a baby boy in December. Im not exactly sure how far along I am because last time I went in to the doctor he said that my uterus felt small so I should find out Wednesday morning what my due date actually is. Right now My due date is December 16th so we will see if that changes. In the beginning pretty much everything made me sick so to even think about doing a blog made me made me gag. Im doing so much better now. Dont get your hopes up about new blogs all the time im not promising anything!
Lucy is doing great! She is soooo smart! She sings and dances, plays dolls and house, she loves to do her nails and make up, and she is talking like crazy. She is still the clumsiest person I know. If there is a wide open area that she is running in, she some how finds either something to trip over or a wall to run into. She is so funny and has such an attitude.
I will update more with pictures after my doctors appointment.


Anonymous said...

YEAH!! We are all so excited about baby boy Nichols - the 1st boy to carry on the name!!!

We love Lucy and Elyse acts like she's her big sister instead of her big cousin

Peter FNFN said...

when can i have Lucy for the week?! haha... i love that little girl and miss her!
p.s. tyler, if you have a girl and let me have the first Nichols Boy, i'll buy you all the newest stereo system and all the rap CD's your heart desires!

Kristi said...

I guess that means you're having a boy, congrats. I hope they don't move your due date too much back. That's always disappointing, and it's kinda hard to be too close to Christmas.

The Carlson's said...

What? Wait? Is this for real? I couln't believe it when I saw your blog at the top of my newly updated list! I was like...no way.....she put a blog up??? Crazy...I didn't know you were having a baby, gosh, you would think that since you spend like every day over here that I would have known that.....I just thought you were eating more....haha! Well, I have to go because I am supposed to be watching your daughter who as we speak is saying "Chhheeessssseeee" to me because she wants me to take pictures of her! What a ham!

Sam and Janiece said...

Congrats Nichols Family! ...I saw your blog when I was looking at the Moreno's blog... boys are so much fun!

Carla said...

Finally a new post!!! Congrats on the baby!

Stephanie said...

yaaaay! the return of katy! and it's too late, i already have my hopes up for more blogging... too bad:) guess you should just please the masses and blog frequently!

Heidi and Rich said...

I am so glad to see a post on your blog. We are way too excited for another boy to join the club. I love the template of your blog. I tried to change mine but I must be retarded because I have no idea what I was doing. I can't wait to hear your real due date too!!! Let me know.

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Yea!!! Hooray!!! Ok, can I tell you how much I have missed you??? Cause I have. I have been meaning to call you to set up a play date but my retarded pregnant mind has somehow skipped away and I never remember. So lets plan something ridiculously fun to do before this baby comes and turns me into a hormonal lunatic. What do ya say?