Wednesday, May 7, 2008


We are back!! We got back from Florida on Wednesday night after all day flying. A couple things that I realized on our way home; I loathe flying, I hate traveling and so dose Lucy, and I Love Bakersfield! Florida was awesome and gorgeous and so fun but every night I found myself thinking about how awful it was going to be to fly home. Not because I didn't want to leave but because I didn't want to go on another airplane. Lucy was actually really good on the flights especially compared to the other kids on the plane. She slept a lot of the way home (thank goodness) While I freaked out from all the turbulence. As soon as we landed in Burbank I vowed to never fly again. Heres a couple of pictures of things we did in Florida.

We went to the Zoo and fed the fish.

This alligator was separated from the rest because it was missing both its back legs. When we were trying to feed the fish and turtles the alligator would eat the food.

We hung out at the beach.

We went on the air boats in the everglades were we saw two alligators and 3 manta rays. In Florida they have pelicans instead of seagulls. The pelicans were not scared of humans at all as you can see they even landed on our boat.

There is an alligator next that boat

oh and I found a couple more self portraits.


Melody said...

This from the girl whose only sister works for an airline. Tsk tsk. You beat me on getting pictures up. I still don't know where our camera is...

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Im so glad you're back!! I kept thinking of calling you while you were gone but then I thought "No they are probably having way too much fun to wanna talk to me". We should plan a play date, I miss talking to you.

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

It looks so fun & different from the West Coast. That's great you could enjoy time with family...even if you had to endure flying to do it!

Neva said...

What a beautiful little girl

Stephanie said...

i love all the cute bathing suits lucy has! i am glad that i get to peek into your fun life like this! :)

Kristi said...

I told you last night, you need to update this! Congrats on you're going to have a boy!

Stephanie said...

katy where have you gone?? i miss you :)

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

We miss you all desperately!!! Can't wait for new pictures.