Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Some fun pictures

We went out to dinner with Lindsey and David and while we were waiting we noticed the sky was really cool.

I got these sun glasses at the dollar spot in Target. I love them and so dose Lucy she wears them all time. The only problem is that now she wears headbands like this.


The Carlson's said...

Its like that black guy from Star Trek! If that is even how you spell that....

Melody said...

That first sky picture reminds me of Reading Rainbow. Those sun glasses are CLASSIC! I got some for Brooklyn for Easter to take to our Florida trip but they cost like $7 at Gymboree. I'll have to look at Target.

Peter FNFN said...

AHAHAHAH. i love lucy!
oh wait. that's a show. ha. have you guys ever noticed that? dumb question, i bet that's why katy wanted to name her lucy in the first place!
cool photos. cool star trek daughter you got there, too!

David said...

"that black star trek guy? try Jordy LaForge