Lucy Loves to look at the pictures of animals.
Tyler, Katy, Lucy, & Carter
Lucy Loves to look at the pictures of animals.
Posted by Tyler and Katy at 4:38 PM 5 comments
Lucy was really sick this weekend. I'll fill you in on the details. Lucy was really winy and clingy on Monday and Tuesday then on Wednesday she had a really high fever that I couldn't get to go down. She woke up on Thursday with the fever and I could tell she was having a hard time breathing and she wouldn't eat or drink. I called the doctor and went in at about 2:30. The Doctor looked puzzled as to what she had. He said that she had RSV which doesn't really have a cure because its a virus. Lucy had RSV almost a year ago and baby's usually tend to get it only once but they can get a different strain of it again. It usually only occurs in Children under two. I went home and she took a nap. When she woke up I could tell she was a lot worse. Every time I gave her medicine to get her temp down and try to make her feel better I could hear the air in her stomach from the way she was breathing. Tyler came home and we took her to the emergency room. I sat in the room with her for a half hour with her crying the whole time. Lucy doesn't cry unless there is something really wrong so I knew that this wasn't normal. I could hear the doctor talking with the nurses out in the hall just chatting about stuff. The doctor came in and checked her for a minute and said oh she just has a cold. WHAT! Lucy had colds before and this was not a cold but she was the doctor so I listened. We went home and we were up all night with Lucy. Friday morning Lucy was still horrible. Tyler's mom came over for a while and helped me because I was supposed to go to LA to do hair and make up for a wedding I was debating whether or not to go but while Dayna was there Lucy seemed to be a little better. I left at 2:00 to go down to LA. Dayna came back over after work and noticed that Lucy seemed to be giving up. She still couldn't breathe she had a high temperature she still hadn't eaten or drunken anything. They rushed her to the emergency room. She got brought back right away her oxygen level was a 71% Its supposed to be at 100% with in 10 seconds there were six nurses around her with the doctor (a different doctor) yelling out orders. Lucy ended up having pneumonia in both lungs, she was severely dehydrated and had RSV. They sent for an ambulance to take her to Maderas children's hospital where we spent 4 days. Now we are home and Lucy is on antibiotics and an inhaler. Thank you everyone for the prayers and support. We are so grateful to our mothers for helping us through this whole thing and we are soooo glad its over!!
She tried to plug her oxygen monitor into her monkey.
Posted by Tyler and Katy at 6:50 PM 8 comments
Posted by Tyler and Katy at 4:36 PM 3 comments