The best news ever! Lucy is POTTY TRAINED!! She has been potty trained for about a month now and is doing awesome!
We went to the fair a couple times this year and took these pictures in the photo booths.
went apple picking
I made Lucys birthday cake
We got Lucy a bounce house for her party. If anyone is having a party for a three year old this is a must have!! They were entertained the whole time!
My dad has been coming over and helping Tyler re do the sprinklers. Then Tylers dad came over and rototilled the front yard. It looks a lot better! We are just waiting till the gound settles to plant seed.
We demoed the down stairs bathroom. We found out that our house used to be a model home in the early 90's and they put wall paper directly on top of the dry wall then the other people that lived in our house before us painted a couple of time on top of that. So now we have to strip the layers and plaster.