Friday, September 21, 2007

Some one help me!

Ever since Lucy was 2 months old she has slept through the night with an occasional waking at like 5:30 Id give her a bottle and she would go back to bed. All of a sudden the last two weeks she wakes up like every half hour and wont go back to bed shes not hungry shes not dirty. I give her Tylenol (just in case of teething) last night I gave her that gas stuff. Nothing works!!! She wants me to get up and play with her even though I'm half a sleep and so is she. She can barely keep her eyes open so I know shes tired. She barely eats! (well in comparison to how much she eat before). She just plays with her food! WHAT DO I DO!!??


Peter FNFN said...

she probably wants to play with TYLER!

Carla said...

I have heard that some kids will do this shortly before (or during or after) a developmental milestone like walking, a verbal explosion etc. I don't know that there's anything you can do other than sticking to your normal routine and not give in and play. I feel for you though!

The Carlson's said...

I just wouldn't feed her anymore, and if she wants out of her bed at night, just strap her down! Im gonna be a mom soon!!!

Stephanie said...

ambrose does this but all he wants to do is nurse- so i have no advice. i guess i just wanted to say that i feel your pain and hopefully it's just a phase that ends soon!

Lindsey said...

That sucks, Kate. My mom says that all babies go through a stage where they don't sleep through the night. She says Brody is doing it right now at 19 months. Lacy and Kacey say you need to just let her cry a couple of nights and it should stop.

David said...

just beat her.

stacien411 said...

bring her to come visit me! maybe she just misses her favorite aunt stacie.

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

Warren's going through a tough batch of good naps right now, so I can feel for your desire to problem solve! Anything to fix it, right?

I think I would just check the basics, like you said you do, then put her back down. She may cry awhile, but not until she realizes that she has to sleep, will she go back to sleep.

Good luck!